Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week:

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply.

Stephen R. Covey

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Mercury's Proverbial Moonwalk...

Ah, the power and beauty of Retrograde. A period when confusion and frustration run amok and people rip their hair out at random. Yep, it's that time of year again! Whenever Mercury Retrograde rolls around, people freak out. 


Because Retrograde is evil and causes major problems! 
My hair dryer blows up and I have to drive to work with wet hair!
Traffic is abysmal!
My boss didn't get my email and now I'm fired!
I told my boyfriend I liked his new haircut and he thought I said, "Your hair looks like a mole's butt..." 
Everything goes to shit during Retrograde!  
It's evil I tell you!  


Thursday, May 14, 2015

Life By Seven: What It's All About...

Life By

Photo by Melanie Hughes

I figure, since this is a relatively new blog, I'd better give you an idea of what the heck "Life by Seven" means.   To the laymen (which is pretty much everyone that isn't me), Life by Seven is  embracing your "virtue".

Photo by Tom Simpson

Yeah, I know, it sounds random and weird, especially since virtue is typically categorized as a religious concept only ever achieved by heavenly sages and incorrupt saints. Nonetheless, virtue is the foundation of the Life by Seven curriculum (that be a fancy word for livin'). 

I exist by virtute. 

This means I strive to live for myself, because I know that doing so promotes a clean existence, one devoid of social static and what Marie Forleo has coined "Compareschlager". When we focus on ourselves and work to nurture that unique perspective, we experience something amazing: extreme pleasure. 

Thursday, May 7, 2015


You Keep Using That Word...
I Do Not Think It Means What You Think It Means...

In case you were wondering, mawwiage is what bwings us togevah today. I didn't get a chance to upload a post last week because I was in New York for a weddin' (as my Southern uncle likes to call it, much to my father's bemusement). The weddin' in question was my best friend's, and of all the people in the world she could have picked to officiate the ceremony, she ended up selecting the craziest of the bunch. Yup, you guessed it: 

ME !