Quote of the Week

Quote of the Week:

Most people do not listen with the intent to understand. They listen with the intent to reply.

Stephen R. Covey

Sunday, April 26, 2015

RA RA SIS BOOM BA! It's Plugaway Friday!

Photo by Thomas Hawk

Okay, I know today is NOT a Friday, but the real Friday got a little hectic, giving me no time to log on and post this article. So I'm going to go all Lego Movie on you by quoting Wyldstyle and say, "Today will be known as Plugaway Friday, but still on a Sunday!"

Commence Post:

Every third Friday I'll be picking up my pom-poms to plug random persons, places, and things, because deep down, past all the crazy, philosophical hoopla, there is an annoying cheerleader just waiting to pull a double tuck back-handspring. Now keep in mind, if you don't particularly like cheerleading, you might want to beat it because I'm about to build a one-woman pyramid. However, if you love to learn about fantastic new people, places, and yes, even 
, then look no further! You have entered the Great Domain of Pluggery, where men and woman come to eat crumpets, drink tea, and discover the finer things. 

By the way, it's BYOTea. 

Friday, April 17, 2015

What's Your Definition?

Photo by Liz West
Self Rendering

I am of the firm belief that there are certain words in the English language (or any language, for that matter) that actually feel how they sound.  


These are the kind of words that embody their definition, so when we say them or think about them, their meaning is not only understood, but also felt.  I was mulling this over the other day and it occurred to me that the same idea can be applied to people.  We have the capacity to embody our own definitions.  We have our own meanings and concepts, and they touch and inspire, or rob and raze, all based on how we define ourselves.  It is self-perception that we share with the rest of the world, a concept that is, again, not just understood, but also felt.  

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Clean It Up and Clear It Out!!

Photo by Agapale Camil
Springliness is Next to Godliness

I am in the midst of an existential crisis.  Most people call it Spring Cleaning, but in my house it has come to be known as the "Big Spill".  While this is usually a pretty simple concept, it's a little more involved in my case, as this year's "spring clean" is a reflection of a shift in consciousness. Technically, it happens to all of us.  Every spring we get that one wild hair and it drives us to clean up and clear out.  It's not just a symptom of being cooped up all winter, either.  On an unconscious level, we all know that springtime is a period of fertility and renewal.  We also know that a tree must release its dead fruit before it can bloom.  Life is the same, and so the concept of springtime echoes through each and every one of us, pushing us to celebrate by letting go of things that no longer serve our purpose.  Negative thought patterns, misused emotions, and that ratty, old Slayer tee we only ever wear at night (hey, the thing is so worn in it feels like Egyptian cotton!) are cast aside in order to create space for new ideas, new emotions, and cleaner garments.  We clean up and clear out because we're getting ready to cultivate new energy and new vocations.